Xiaomi 11t Pro Review: an improved model, but not even "flagship"

Time 08/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Xiaomi 11t Pro Review: An improved model, but not even "flagship" - Go4it

Cătălin Niţu07.10.2021Trimite pe:

The photos with the main camera are quite good for most users, offering light, with good dynamic beach, without big differences between shadows and very brightly lit areas.The phone has an HDR mode that is activated automatically but also an AI way that can detect various scenes to improve the frames in post -processing.The results were mainly good in all conditions on this room.The colors are a little saturated, but this seems to prefer most users, even if they do not reflect reality..

Even the ultrawide camera seems to be decent for a small resolution, the colors "suitable" with those of the main room being welcome.Many other manufacturers seem to ignore this.

Photo night

Galerie foto 45 imagini

At night, however, the Ultra Wide camera is still quite dark, even with the NOCTURN mode activated.The main camera, when used in standard "photo" mode, without a night -activated way, sometimes captures good frames, but most of the time, they are "trembling".This is where the lack of optical stabilization is seen.Moreover, the night mode is not activated automatically all the time automatically, so it is sometimes necessary to activate it yourself from the "more" menu.Fortunately it can be added manually to the bottom menu of the app.Another aspect that bothered me in some of the photos is the optics for the main camera lens, which is very sensitive to reflections.At certain angles, the ambient light can be reflected in a disturbing way.

Xiaomi spoke a lot about all kinds of video features for this phone and, indeed, filming are decent, but they cannot be compared to what we have in the Premium segment of Apple, Samsung or Huawei, or even Xiaomi, with models such asMi 11 or mi 11 ultra.The lack of optical stabilization is very serious for filming.The creative functions of the camera are interesting, but most will probably use them once or twice and then forget about them.


Xiaomi 11T Pro review: un model îmbunătățit, dar nu chiar „flagship”

Xiaomi 11T Pro is a real success for the company, if the goal was to improve the 10T Pro model last year in as many aspects.The screen is a little slower but is significantly better, making the switch to the OLED and compatibility with Dolby Vision, while the camera is a little better.Autonomy is another strength of this model, but very fast charging is even more important.Probably other top Xiaomi models will adopt this technology in the near future.

If you are looking for a top -performance phone, good screen and good autonomy, which also has a medium camera, the Xiaomi 11T pro seems to be the model you are probably looking for.However, take into account the fact that it does not include certification for water and dust resistance, has no wireless load and does not have a headset (nor adapter in the box).Otherwise this smartphone will provide a use experience as any other flagship on the market.

Tags: Androidmi 11t promiui 12.5review xiaomi 11t prosmartphoneXiaomiIți recomandămTelefoane mobile15:41BlackBerry retrage suportul oficial și pentru ultimele telefoane cu design clasic, echipate cu tastatură fizicăAccesorii14:00Lidl va vinde un cântar smart, în prima săptămână din 2022. Prețul e accesibilTelefoane mobile13:51Primele imagini cu Galaxy S22 Ultra vin să-l confirme în rolul de succesor Galaxy NoteApropoTVVictoria Beckham a publicat o poză cu familia, dar nu a fost atentă. Detaliul care...Go4GamesCând a primit comanda făcută online, a încremenit: Bine că nu l-am gătit!Capital.roO nouă forță apare în Europa! Este cutremur total. Nimeni nu se așteptaCe se întâmplă doctoreSoția lui Dani Oțil pozează sexy la 3 luni de la naștere. A sfidat legile...
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