According to European experts, this summer, the highest temperatures of all time have been recorded.Global warming and climatic changes were felt in almost every corner of the old continent and many people have suffered, in addition to the severely affected agricultural crops.
On the other hand, if you are the kind of man who prefers to see the full side of the glass, surprisingly, there is something like that in the case of extremely warm summer we have all faced.The good part is about grape crops and, above all, the quality of the wine behind those grapes.
What happens to wine in 2021
Temperaturile extreme, seceta, grindina și bolile au afectat culturile de viță de vie în acest an. Pe de altă parte, calitatea strugurilor rămași în viață va fi una semnificativ mai bună. Aceasta este opinia experților din cadrul organizațiilor Copa & Cogeca, ce reprezintă vocea unită a cooperativelor agricole din Uniunea Europeană, atrage atenția Bloomberg.
First of all, this is the bad part of the equation.According to the two organizations, the combined wine production of Italy, France and Spain, the first three major European producers, would decrease by 18% this year compared to last year, up to 117.3 million hectoliters.The most affected would be the wine production of France, in which the decrease of about one third (minus 29%) is forecast, after the spring frost and the humidity in the summer decimated the vine crops.Italy's wine production would decrease by 9%, and that of Spain by 15.1%, writes Agerpres.
„Cu excepția variabilității și a incertitudinii condițiilor climatice, calitatea strugurilor este semnificativ mai bună și constituie un semnal de bun augur pentru calitatea vinurilor”, a informat Copa & Cogeca într-un comunicat de presă.
At European level, Portugal is the only country that could record a small increase in wine production.On the other hand, Germany's production will not be modified, according to current estimates.
Beyond grapes, extreme temperatures and drought affected in 2021 the sugar cane crops and wheat in North America.