Samsung Galaxy S10.The first official images with the most expensive model in the series to be officially launched on the market have appeared during this day to show us what you will not be able to buy everyone. Nu vorbim despre acel model al Samsung Galaxy S10 care are un ecran cu diagonala de 6.7 inches, a ceramic housing, and 5G connectivity, but about a standard, standard model, which will only be sold in version with 12 GB RAM and 1 TB storage space.
Samsung Galaxy S10.The pictures below show us a phone that looks great, with a very interesting color for the case that highlights the attention that Samsung has given for details. Desi s-a crezut initial ca o carcasa din ceramica va fi folosita doar in modelul Samsung Galaxy S10 care are 5G si acel ecran cu diagonala de 6.7 inches, here's that in reality, regular users will be able to take advantage of the special version, if they have $ 1500 to spend.
Samsung Galaxy S10 apare in imagini cu noua sa carcasa din ceramica
Samsung Galaxy S10.It would have been more interesting if a gradient color could have been applied for the version that has a ceramic housing, but if it does not exist, then more than sure is a good explanation for it. Chiar si asa, telefoanele care au carcasa din ceramica au devenit tot mai interesante in ultimii ani, iar Samsung Galaxy S10 le va face si mai populare, chiar daca putini isi vor permite un asemenea model.
Samsung Galaxy S10.Unfortunately, separated from the ceramic housing, which is expensive anyway, on the specifications side the users will not "feel" the 12 GB RAM compared to the 8 GB, and that TB of storage is available in other configurations. Aceasta versiune speciala a Samsung Galaxy S10 este gandita pentru cei care vor ceva diferit, si sunt dispusi sa plateasca bani seriosi pentru asta, dar macar ies si in evidenta.
Samsung Galaxy S10.In Romania you will be able to foresee the new phones from February 21 at prices reaching almost 4000 lei, the deliveries will start on March 8.