I Like IT Facebook stores the history of calls and SMS made by those with Android phones

Time 02/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Last Update: 28-11-2018 10:13

The Facebook social network is subject to an investigation in the United States and could pay billions of dollars.

The news has caused a new decrease in company's shares, which has registered losses of $ 60 billion since the beginning of the scandal.And the crisis of confidence continues: now Android users discover with astonishment that Facebook stores them on its servers and the history of calls and SMS.

The Office for Consumer Protection within the powerful Federal Commerce Commission has announced that it has been investigating if Facebook has allowed Cambridge Analytica to use the data of 50 million users, in violation of a protocol concluded with the US authorities..

And the trusted crisis deepens from one day to another.In recent days, Facebook users on Androit operating system phones have had a surprise.

Samuel Burke, CNN correspondent: “If you want to see everything Facebook knows about you, go to the upper right corner and select“ Settings “.This is how you will reach this page: “Download a copy of your Data Facebook“.Click on “Start my Archive“ and Facebook will send you a complete copy of the private details that the network has about you.“

Citește și
iLikeIT. Facebook are lista completă a telefoanelor şi SMS-urilor utilizatorilor


This is how Android users discovered that Facebook collects their calls and SMS for years.Facebook says users give their explicit agreement for this when they download the messaging application and that the purpose is to find their friends more easily.The company did not explain, however, why they store these data on its servers for years.

Samuel Burke, CNN correspondent: “Facebook says you can disable this setting at any time and your calls and messages will be deleted. Pentru asta, utilizatorii de Android trebuie să meargă „Acasă“, să dea click pe fotografia de profil, apoi pe „Oameni“ şi „Contacte sincronizate“, iar setarea poate fi activată sau dezactivată.“

In addition to the huge losses on the stock exchange, the last week's scandal seriously erodes Facebook image.Only 41% of Americans trust that Facebook respects data on data protection, while Amazon, Google and Microsoft enjoy the confidence of over 60%.

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Tags: Facebook, Facebook scandal, Facebook Analytica, personal data,

Publication date: 27-03-2018 08: 58Autor: NewsProtv

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