How you can sign up to receive the anti-Covid vaccine.The online programming platform is operational - Alba24

Time 28/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The computer platform that allows the programming of persons to vaccinate against Covid-19 is operational, the National Committee for Coordination of Activities on Vaccination against the New Coronavirus announced..

Starting on Monday, in accordance with the vaccination strategy against Covid-19, the persons in stage I, respectively workers in the health and social fields can be planned, and access to the application and for the other two vaccination groups will be activated (Group AII-the population with a degree of risk and the workers who carry out activities in key, essential and group III-general population).

To connect to the app -click app here.

Electronic planning through the platform efficientlyizes the vaccination process, distributing vaccination doses and avoids overcrowding from vaccination centers, the source points out..

The computer platform supports all those who want to program for the vaccine, including the general population of the third stage.

Cum te poți înscrie pentru a primi vaccinul anti-COVID. Platforma online pentru programări este operațională - Alba24

The registration steps to be traveled:

From the National Information Platform regarding the vaccination against Covid-19, https: // vaccinare-Covid.Gov.RO/, the menu is accessed schedule or directly access the https link: // who are planned for vaccination create an account based on the identification data and the phone number.In the created account, citizens have access to their own appointments: the vaccination center, the data to which the first administration and the booster (the second dose) will be performed.Also, at the time of programming, the platform generates a document based on which access will be made in the vaccination center on the planned date.

Subsequently, when presenting in the vaccination center of the programmed person, the programming validation is done in the triage area by scaning the QR code on the document generated by the platform or based on the identity card.

The platform was developed by the Special Telecommunications Service based on the operational requirements made by the National Committee for Coordination of Activities on Covid-19.

The medical staff in the vaccination centers will use sts distributed tablets, with which the secure access will be made in the application of the National Vaccination Register.The RENV application is made available by the National Institute of Public Health to have the records of the vaccinations.The platform and computer systems provided by the Special Telecommunications Service have thus have been sized and configured to allow simultaneous access by a large number of users, at the same time being implemented and specific cyber security measures..

Source: Press release of the National Committee on Vaccination against Covid-19.

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