How do you delete the history of views on youtube and disable it to everything

Time 17/05/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Because all the suggested clips you face online starts from what you have seen in the past, you may want to learn how you delete the history of youtube views.

YouTube is a Google company and, like the Mountain View giant, it generates most of the money in the commercials displayed during the clips you watch.In addition to the fact that these commercials are customized according to what you have seen in the past, the clips that are suggested are directly correlated with your video preferences.

If you have searched by chance a clip with a mixer to make an informed purchase decision starting from a review, that viewing will influence your main page on youtube for the coming weeks.

Cum ștergi istoricul vizionărilor de pe YouTube și îl dezactivezi de tot

It does not matter that you have not subscribed to the channel you saw for the first time that clip and it is irrelevant whether it seemed to you or not.The video in question has influenced your YouTube consumer profile and, for the most part, you have to live with it.

The alternative is to learn how to delete the history of youtube views.I detailed the entire procedure in the video above and does not involve many steps.Enter the mobile application and press on the lower right corner at the library.

Make a TAP on your top right photo and access the settings section.Go a little below in the list of options and press "Delete the history of views".Confirms the deletion.Repeat the procedure with "Delete the search history".Confirms the deletion.

If in the future you want to no longer keep lists with the history of views and search history, tick a little below "interrupt the history of views" and "interrupt the search history".These options remain in force for an unlimited term and only keeps you to reactivate them if you change your mind.