WhatsApp has issued an alert to its users around the world after the important new feature was launched for the iPhone and Android phones, the American company wanting to notify people in this way. Below you can see the WhatsApp message for the launch of the function that allows all iPhone and Android phone users to send messages that can be seen only once, after which they disappear forever.
WhatsApp has left its users without such functionality for several years, but now it seems to have returned to better thoughts, so it has decided that it is time to officially offer it. The feature that allows you to send messages that disappear after being accessed once has been discovered during testing in beta versions of WhatsApp applications for iPhone and Android, along with everything we should know.
WhatsApp: Alert for New Important Function in Phones
WhatsApp allows you to send pictures and videos that disappear after being viewed only once, so after opening, if we do not take a screenshot, we will not be able to review the message. WhatsApp warns users that even if the picture or video disappears immediately after being accessed by our interlocutors, they can still take a screenshot to stay with that image, so it's good to be careful what you send. .
WhatsApp implements this feature after it proved to be very popular on Snapchat and other platforms, but we had to wait quite a while until it is offered to us. To send a picture, or video clip, which disappears after the first access WhatsApp.
WhatsApp also shows us if the person to whom we sent that message read it or not, so we will also know if the person to whom everything was supposed to reach has seen what we wanted to see.