How do you solve all the problems with Apple Watch: What do you do if you do not synchronize your data with iPhone Wed Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback For the most part, Apple devices work in parameters.It behaves well and rarely disappoint you through smaller or higher functionality problems.As a iPhone user ...
How to find your Android phone anywhere, even on silent Tue Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback The phones can be easily lost due to the thin shape and the small size.They can enter between the pillows of the sofa, they can hide in the quilt or they can be forgotten in unexpected places.
WhatsApp - Complete Guide for Application Use In 2020 Mon Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback Useful information you will find below about the application: What is Whatsapp in 2014, the largest social network in the world, Facebook, is the company that has signed an agreement to buy ...
How do I change the country of an Apple ID? Sun Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback Today I have presented a method by which you can install free applications paid on iPhone and iPad, but I told you then that the entire system is based on the use of the USP Store, this being the only ...
How do you delete what you did on Google, in a few simple steps Sat Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback If you have developed an obsession for all the things that the Mountain View giant knows about you, it is well known that it is not very difficult to learn how to delete the historian activity ...
How to add a card to Apple Pay on iPhone or iPad!Tutorial Fri Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback How to add a card to Apple Pay in Romania is the main question that many iPhone and iPad users ask in Romania starting this morning, after the mobile payment system of ...
WhatsApp: major change and a recent secret discovered Thu Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback WhatsApp has been working for some time at one of the biggest changes in the history of the messaging application, and if you count yourself among those who are waiting for it, then you should not ...
How do you delete contacts from Android and eliminate doubles Wed Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback Whether you want to sell or give a friend's phone, you need to know how to delete the contacts from Android in a few simple steps.In addition I will explain how you can get rid of double contacts.
Wipe Google Account: How to proceed on your computer, tablet or phone Tue Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback Gmail is currently considered the best e-mail platform, even if there are some people.If it is about promotional emails, of different labels, or because you are not sure ...
How to get rid of viruses on your iPhone: The calendar notification problem that's driving you to retirement Mon Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback In recent months, more and more iPhone owners have found themselves with aggressive notifications on their smartphones. These come from the calendar, but it's not very obvious how they got there, nor how you can escape…
Five tricks to release space on Android phones Sun Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback It does not matter if you have an Android phone with a card slot or without, at one point you will run out of space, whether you have 32GB or 200GB.CNET proposes a few simple ways to ...
How do you delete your last 15 minutes of Google searches, simple and fast: why is the perfect value Sat Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback You are not proud of everything you are looking for on the Internet and does not help the fact that you have searched a lamp at one point, and for two weeks you are served for such products.Fortunately, Google ...
From July 30, the Horizon Go streaming service, in the past owned by UPC, will be replaced with Vodafone TV;Here's how you will be able to watch TV channels, favorite movies and series Fri Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback I announced a year ago that Vodafone and UPC have completed the merger process, now there is only one network of complete, fixed, mobile and TV services.Not long ago myvodafone serum app ...
Delete the last 15 minutes of searching;Here's the new Google Quick Delete feature on phones Thu Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback Google wants to ease the process to delete our traces from the Internet and delete our more or less shameful searches.He has just launched a function, or better said an option by Privacy Integr ...
The Joker malware on Android returns;Here's what applications you need to avoid Wed Sep 2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback I was writing in September 2020 that 16 malware applications were to be avoided on Android phones.At that time the Joker malware was ravaging, which is now, despite the clean.