Decoding iPhone 7: How do you use your phone with any SIM, on any network

Time 17/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Alexandru Puiu23:29 07.12.2016Decodare iPhone 7: Cum folosești telefonul cu orice SIM, pe orice rețea

Simple or cheap are not, but there are a few solutions for iPhone 7 decoding, if you want to use your new smartphone on another network.

The concept of iPhone 7 decoding should have been very similar to the same process in the case of iPhone of the past years, and for the most part, it is.Unfortunately, almost every time, the respective process involves a smaller or larger investment, depending on the operator on which the device was paid.4-5 years ago, when the iPhone 4 was fashionable, the decoding was significantly simpler.It was enough to do jailbreak on the phone, install a small progrămel-Ultrasn0W, and in a few minutes you could use an iPhone from Vodafone on Orange or the United States to Romania.All those tricks no longer work now.Apple has done a very good job when it comes to blocking terminals, as many other producers.

Decoding iPhone 7: What do you need to know

Ideally, you should put your hand on an unlocked iPhone, which can be used from the beginning on any network.As an alternative, you can go in the hands of the operators from us, if you do not plan to give up the subscription in the next two years.In any other situation, you must consider a smaller or larger investment for iPhone 7 decoding.

Pentru a înțelege diferențele de preț, trebuie să aveți în vedere un lucru. În momentul în care Apple blochează un set de terminale pentru Vodafone sau orice alt operator, doar respectivul operator le poate debloca, în urma plății unei taxe arbitrare. Decodarea se realizează prin intermediul serverelor operatorului de telefonie care conlucrează cu serverele Apple. Din acest motiv, de exemplu, decodarea implică doar plata unei taxe, fără pasarea telefonului către un terț. Voi vă țineți telefonul în buzunar, iar în momentul în care vi se confirmă că decodarea s-a realizat, telefonul trebuie conectat la internet, preferabil prin intermediul unui PC ce rulează iTunes. De ceva timp, decodarea se face și fără un computer, dar trebuie să să aveți un SIM nou în telefonul codat și să-l conectați la o rețea wireless.Decodare iPhone 7: Cum folosești telefonul cu orice SIM, pe orice rețea

In other words, in practice, for decoding iPhone 7, you must call the operator who sold your device, whether it is Vodafone, Orange, Telekom or Digi.By the way, although there are operators working in several countries with the same names, such as Vodafone or Telekom, an iPhone from Vodafone Germany does not work on Vodafone Romania.As a different fact, in the hope that you have a decoded smartphone, you can always enter a SIM card from another operator in the iPhone.If unlocked, it will work.If not, you will have a notification with an invalid SIM on the screen.

Iphone 7 decoding: prices from local operators

A few years ago, the Telekom Romania CEO proudly stated that the operator's offers are so good that he does not need to block the phones in his network.The respective principle seems to remain valid in the case of iPhone 7. RCS - RDS, although it does not have a very diversified devices, and the prices are, for the most part, those practiced by Icyle - Apple official distributor in Romania, the advantage is the same asIn the case of Telekom.Thus, there is the possibility to buy an iPhone 7 from a local operator, without going through decoding, provided you flirt with Telekom or RCS-RDS.

In the case of Orange and Vodafone, for decoding iPhone 7 you have to pay a fairly large fee, which, as I detailed and above it varies.In addition, in order to facilitate the process, it would be ideal to have a proof of acquisition, an invoice or a tax receipt.If you do not have that, the device may be decoded anyway but it would be preferable to go to the store that initially sold you the gadget.There should be a copy of the invoice that was handed to you.If you have checked this aspect of the equation, you only have to pay the tax and wait for a phone or an email from the operator that you are confirmed that the decoding has been successfully done.

Vizavi de prețuri pentru decodare iPhone 7, acestea se împart în două categorii: înainte și după expirarea perioadei contractuale. La Orange, costul decodării este de 100 de euro cu TVA inclus la cursul zilei. După expirarea perioadei contractuale, prețul scade la 50 de lei. Costurile la Vodafone sunt mai mici, 52 de euro cu TVA inclus în timpul perioadei contractuale și 10 euro după expirare celor 12 sau 24 de luni de abonament. Dacă ați cumpărat un iPhone nesubvenționat de la Orange sau Vodafone, adică fără abonament, decodarea se va realiza gratuit. Decodare iPhone 7: Cum folosești telefonul cu orice SIM, pe orice rețea

Iphone 7 decoding: prices for foreign operators

As I mentioned in the introduction, it would be ideal not to bring an iPhone 7 blocked on a foreign network, because the costs of decoding are significant.If this happened, however, there are a few steps you can follow.

Dacă telefonul a fost codat din accidental, el fiind achiziţionat nesubvenţionat, prima sugestie ar fi să apelaţi la o persoană din respectiva ţară care să se deplaseze la o reprezentanţă a operatorului pe care este codat aparatul şi să explice situaţia în care vă aflați. Puteţi, de asemenea, să sunaţi chiar voi la O2 Anglia, Bouygues Franţa, AT&T SUA sau orice alt operator de undeva din lume, pentru a cere decodarea smartphone-ului. Aceştia vor fi cât se poate de operativi.

If you put your hand on an iPhone coded on a network from outside and you don't even know what this is, there is an online service that gives you the answer. At the address you can enter the phone's imei and, for the amount of three euros to find out what is blocked. To find out the fastest path is to enter the call screen and form *#06#. Also, the IMEI can be found on the SIM tray, on the original box of the phone or by a TAP on the letter I appearing on the emergency call, when you cannot enter the phone menu. You can find out that the phone is blocked on iCloud, a context in which you can classify it in the Bibelor category, because you cannot decode it. Eventually, you can sell it on pieces. Also, if the phone was stolen and declared as such at the operator who initially marketed it, it is on an online check that is in Blacklist. In this particular situation, decoding is a lottery. It can cost more, it can take longer or it can be impossible.

For decoding iPhone 7, if it is blocked on a network in a foreign country, you can call the nearest phone service and you may help you.Ideally, you would be to move on to more to make a price comparison.If you do not have emotions in using online services, one that I tested and works very well for decorations is is made through PayPal, the decoding process lasts on average 3-4 days, but can reach up to a week.If you have harms, the same site has a very well -developed support.If a price for the operator you are interested in is not displayed, it may be impossible at the moment to decorate it.Prices range from 4-5 pounds to 100 pounds.After decoding, you will receive an email.

Decoding iPhone 7: Latest details

After you have received a phone, a message or email by which you are informed that the decoding is over, enter a new card in the phone, connect it to the Internet or a PC/Mac running iTunes and in a few minutesYou should have a message telling you that "Your iPhone Has Been Unlock".

As a good practice tips, it would be good to differentiate between an iPhone coded on a foreign network and an iPhone locked in iCloud.The latter buy them for nothing, because they cannot be unlocked.The best, even in the second hand, would be to buy phones where you can enter the menu, with which you can initiate a call or take a picture.Do not buy any IDEVICE that settings/configurations at the iCloud section has a completed Apple ID.There you have to write nothing.Even if you can use a phone with iCloud, you must keep in mind that in the future, at any time, the former owner can block him from a distance and you have nothing to do afterwards.Eventually, just pay some extra money, on the principle, other money, another fun.