How do you backup to Android on Google so you don't lose anything

Time 06/07/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

In order to stop losing your contacts or pictures on your phone, it would be good to consider how you back up on Google.

In theory, your Android phone is permanently interconnected with a Google account.You need that account to install Google Play applications and is used by the Mountain View giant to save various settings for your device.By default, however, they are six very big for a backup process not to be automated.As a result, if someone steals your phone or you lose it, there is a real possibility to remain without all your photos, without agenda, calendar and any other files that you have created on the mobile over time.

Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you need to follow if you want to learn how to back up on Google.First of all, you have to go to settings, accounts and make a TAP on your Google account.If such an account is missing, press on +, choose Google and type your Gmail address with the related password.At the next step, after you have selected your account, you should have a bushy option list.Check them all, if you want all the respective data to be synchronized at regular intervals with Google servers, without any intervention from you.

Exit the main screen and enter the settings again, in the advanced settings section.From here, you are interested "creating a backup and reset" or "backup and reset".At the top, it ticks "creating a backup".A little below, at backup Account or backup account, select the Gmail account you want to automatically back up your data on your phone or tablet.

Cum faci backup la Android pe Google, ca să nu pierzi nimic

Orice smartphone cu Android vine preinstalat cu o suită stufoasă de aplicații Google. Intră la Google Photos sau Google Foto. Apasă pe cele trei liniuțe din stânga sus și intră la Setări. Fă un tap pe Backup și sincronizare în partea de sus a ecranului. Verifică să fie contul tău de Google pe această pagină și bifează ”Backup și sincronizare” sau Backup & Sync în partea de sus a ecranului. Revin-o în meniul principal al Google Foto, iar în dreapta sus, ar trebui să vezi cum a început procesul de sincronizare al fotografiilor tale. Dacă nu merge din prima, s-ar putea să fii nevoit să te conectezi la o rețea wireless.

That was all.From this time, as long as you have space on Google Drive and you are connected to Wi-Fi, it should be impossible to ever lose your data.If you lose your phone from now, it is enough to put your hand on an Android phone and, in the initial configuration, type your account name and password for your Google account.Immediately, you should start downloading the tutor of your data from the old phone with all the applications you had installed.