The hard replica of the German newspaper Bild for the President of China: If your laboratories were as safe as political prisons, there would be no coronavirus/ your power collapses, China is the country that infected the world, this is a heir

Time 15/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The chief editor of the German newspaper Bild gave a harsh reply to the President of China, after the communist leader criticized the publication because the journalists wondered in their analyzes if the country from where the coronavirus started to pay damages for the caused crisis:

"If your laboratories were as safe as the political prisons, there would be no coronavirus," was one of the replies of the chief editor of the newspaper Bild.

The editorial head of one of the most important publications in Germany and Europe reproached the communist president that he was "too proud and too nationalist to tell the truth" about Coronavirus, because the truth seemed "a national shame".

"Close all the newspapers and critical sites to your rules, but not the stalls where the lilac soup is sold," was another replica of the German journalist.

The chief editor of the newspaper Bild ends his open letter addressed to the Chinese president, through an extremely harsh reply, which foreshadows the collapse of the XI Jinping regime:

"Your power collapses.You created an uncontrollable, non -transparent china.Before the appearance of coronavirus, China was known as a country that supervises.Now China is known that the country that supervises and has infected the world with a deadly disease.This is your political inheritance.

The full letter published by the chief editor of the German newspaper Bild

Replică dură a ziarului german Bild pentru președintele Chinei: Dacă laboratoarele voastre ar fi la fel de sigure ca închisorile politice, n-ar mai fi existat coronavirus/Your power collapses, China este țara care a infectat lumea, asta este moștenir

"Dear President XI Jinping,

Your embassy in Berlin addressed me in an open letter because we asked in our newspaper, Bild, if China has to pay for the economic disaster that the coronavirus produced in the world.

Allow me to answer:

1.Drive through control.You would not be president without control.You monitor everything, every citizen, but refuse to monitor wet, sick, in your country.

Close all the newspapers and critical sites to your rules, but not the stalls where the lilac soup is sold.Not only that you supervise your population but put it in danger and, with it and the rest of the world.

2.Control is a denial of freedom.And a nation that is not free, is not creative.A nation that is not innovative does not invent anything.That's why you turned your country into a world champion at the theft of intellectual property.

China enriches itself with the inventions of others instead of having its own inventions.The reason that China does not innov.The most resounding export in China (which no one wanted to receive, but which has done around the world) is the coronavirus.

3.You, your government and your scientists had to know that the Corona virus is extremely infectious, but instead you left the world in this regard.Your top experts didn't answer when Western researchers asked to know what's going on in Wuhan.You were too proud and too nationalist to tell the truth you perceived as a national shame.

4.The newspaper "Washington Post" wrote that your Wuhan laboratories have researched coronavirus in bats, but without maintaining the highest safety standards.Why aren't your toxic laboratories as safe as prisons for political prisoners?

Would you like to explain this to widows, daughters, sons, spouses, parents of the victims of the coronavirus around the world?

5.In your country, citizens whisper about you.Your power collapses.You created an uncontrollable, non -transparent china.Before the appearance of coronavirus, China was known as a country that supervises.Now China is known that the country that supervises and has infected the world with a deadly disease.This is your political inheritance.

Your embassy tells me that I do not live after "the traditional friendship of our citizens".I think you consider a great "friendship" when you generously send masks all over the world.This is not friendship, I would call it hidden imperialism behind a smile-a Trojan horse.

You plan to strengthen China through a disease you have exported.You will not succeed.Sooner or later, coronavirus will be your political end.


Julian Reichelt ”