Why is the world complaining so much about Windows 10?

Time 06/04/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Initially I wanted to write about Windows 10 2004 being a disaster. But you know what? It was not my words, but those of a publication with a history of eating cocoa. Leaving aside this irrelevant detail, I want to talk about how the world has made a tradition of always complaining about Windows 10. That it's not good, that it works badly, that I don't know what. Let's say things by name!

Why is Windows 10 bad for you?

The chances of most of those reading these lines having an original copy of Windows 10 are as high as my chances of winning the presidential election. From here I want to start with a very hard idea, for which many will swear at me, but; who allows you to comment on software that you have hacked? In the same way, the activation keys of 50 lei are not the most legitimate things possible, and this has been talked about in the past. Software obtained through illegal means automatically has certain limitations and should not surprise anyone when it fails.

Another real possibility for people to complain about Windows 10 is the old PCs. I see many complaining that the OS is not working well on Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM. For those, excuse me, but isn't it time for an upgrade? On the same principle, many people buy their E36 and call it a race car. It's simple; It's old, you don't force it because it can.

De ce se plange lumea atat de mult de Windows 10?

Of course, there are cases where Windows 10 goes wrong on modern and licensed systems, but most of the time, up-to-date updates and a little patience from the user are all that is needed to get rid of any difficulties. Maybe what I said above sounds hypocritical, but I can't help but get tired of being human, when I see that most of those who complain about one are fixed in the first two categories; or a combination of these.

What to do?

The answer to this question is very personal. And I'm not saying this because it's my opinion, but because each of you knows what your system is for? Do you play, work or just need something to surf the internet for long and wide? You know best what you need in Windows 10. Here are four options:

Let's be realistic!

I've been suffering from something lately. I made a PC for a friend, but he ran into some pretty nasty problems. The first time, we both blamed the hardware, but after a few investigations we realized that the main culprit is Windows 10 and the video card software. In the meantime, with a little bible and patience, I got rid of some of them. A thorough search also revealed that a Linux distro would eliminate even the slightest problem in its case, but it is blocked on Windows due to the software used at work.

I will not say that Windows 10 is a perfect system. Not far away! But it is the best option we have at the moment for modern PCs. Indeed, it seems that in the days of Windows 7 the problems that some people encounter now were not so frequent, but the evolution is not always smooth; Well, that's another discussion. What I mean is that we should all understand that software that is pirated or obtained through law enforcement will not always work properly. From here we have to educate ourselves and get used to alternatives. And these are, so the four listed above are just the tip of the iceberg.

TagsMicrosoft hacked Windows Windows 10