Whatsapp.Two great features from Telegram

Time 23/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Whatsapp.The most popular messaging application on the planet should have two very important functions that are available starting these days for Telegram application. Prima dintre ele a fost implementata pentru a permite recuperarea unui mesaj Whatsapp care a fost sters de catre utilizator, acesta avand 5 secunde la dispozitie pentru a anula stergerea, si a pastra in continuare mesajul pe care l-a trimis catre orice persoana.

Whatsapp.The application already has a function that allows the deletion of messages from the phones of others, but not one that allows the recovery of a message erased by us, the idea of Telegram being an excellent one. La Telegram optiunea de a recupera un mesaj este disponibila timp de numai 5 secunde prin folosirea unui buton Undo, care este afisat pentru utilizator, iar in Whatsapp ar fi extrem de util ceva similar, dar asta numai daca Facebook va considera ca e utila.

Whatsapp are nevoie de optiuni pentru recuperarea mesajelor si conversatiilor

Whatsapp.The second great function that should be implemented from Telegram is one that allows the recovery of the conversations deleted by the users, something that was also requested by some people. Practic, daca o persoana sterge o conversatie avuta cu o alta persoana, are in Telegram 5 secunde pentru a o recupera, la fel cum se face pentru mesaje, iar in Whatsapp lucrurile ar putea fi oferite la fel, chiar si cu o perioada mai lunga de timp.

Whatsapp. DOUA Functii GROZAVE de la Telegram

Whatsapp.The application held by Facebook is known for taking a function from competitors to give users a better use experience, so no one would complain if the same thing now. Deocamdata nu exista vreo dovada a faptului ca Whatsapp ar avea in proces de pregatire pentru implementare vreo functionalitate de acest gen, insa n-ar strica daca am vedea asa ceva, nu ?

Whatsapp.For the application, however, a change that will bring advertisements in the Status section is prepared, only for now we have nothing to do but wait for.