By Observer editorial 14.08.2021, 09:09
Baked by ancient methods, kept from generated in generation, made with the wildest wheat and special ornaments, the tastiest breads arrived on the tables at the Ditrău festival.In addition, visitors were greeted with other chosen dishes and left home with full bags.
Bread in Ditrău is prepared with great skill, after the old traditions of the ancestors.Simple ingredients make it every time tasty, and wheat is the most important ingredient.
Reclamă“We have been doing this bread for about 10 years in the wildest wheat“.
Even the storage of bread is done as the grandmother touched her.After scraping, the bread is cut in two and kept cold, in the freezer, to keep it fresh for consumption.
Citește și:At the festival, they all took the most beautifully decorated and better bread.
“How much bread do you do?“
“So, for the family, one usually do“.
The secret of a tasty bread
White flour, potatoes, salt, and water: the 4 ingredients that housewives use to make the bread as tasty as possible.And still have a secret...
“To be done with good soul, with a good heart...“
Puskas Elemer, primar Ditrău: “Suntem mândri de comuna noastră şi mai ales de pâinea noastră“.
Oana Ursache, secretar de stat: “Pâinea ne uneşte. Pâinea uneşte oamenii, ideologiile, culturile, limbile între ele“.
Those who participated in the festival were able to enjoy music, but also other delicious dishes, brought by the participants.
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