CSM has appointed a new interim chief at the Chisinau Court of Appeal
Judge Anatolie Lies was appointed today by the Superior Council of Magistracy, as interim president of the Chisinau Court of Appeal.
Anatolie lie has been active as a judge since 1991. Initially he has been active in the Râșcani sector in Chisinau, then became vice -president at the Râşcani District Court.In 2008 he was promoted to the Chisinau Court of Appeal.
In February 2017, the judge was appointed by the SCM to carry out judicial control over the test of professional integrity, after the new law on the assessment of institutional integrity has entered into force.
According to an investigation conducted by anti-corruption.md, over the years, seven decisions of some courts of the composition of which the judge Anatolieminuna was also part, have been identified as an examination object at the ECHR.
In a case, an amicable regulatory agreement was signed, and by the loss of five files at the ECHR, the Republic of Moldova has paid 84,500 euros for damages.
The members of the SCM have appointed Anatolie Lies after they rejected a judge Ana Panov, who has so far ensured the interim of this function.