By Ana Maria Ghiarasimla 12.08.2021, 16:29
Great care what you store in the balcony during the heat.An apartment in Cluj caught fire after the balcony windows acted like a magnifying glass, amplifying the sun's rays.The objects that the owner had on the balcony caught fire, and the fire extended extremely quickly to other goods.
The luck of the owner, who was not at home, was that the passers -by who saw the flames called 112, so the firefighters intervened quickly, according to the information obtained by the observer reporter Alex Prunean.
ReclamăAccording to ISU Cluj, the fire broke out on Thursday in a balcony on the Observatorului street in Cluj-Napoca was liquidated after about 20 minutes, without registering victims.
They burned several goods from the balcony, but the fire did not expand to the room.However, the window of the apartment has been destroyed.
Citește și:According to the specialists, the fire was caused by the so-called glass effect of the insulating windows, in which the light and heat of the sun focuses in an area that takes fire.
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