Tap taken by a Cluj with a holiday at Cap Aurora!He paid the advance and the holiday went on the water of Sâmbetea - Cluj News

Time 20/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

A Cluj has paid in July an advance for a holiday at Cap Aurora, at the Mera Onix hotel, but the Christian Tour Agency in Vivo!Cluj canceled his departure, after only 4 days.

În 19 iulie, am făcut contractul pentru 6 septembrie, la hotelul Mera Onix din Cap Aurora.

I gave an advance of 400 lei to confirm the room, for three people, two adults and a child.

After about 4 days, they announced to me that there are no available rooms.They said we had to go to Vivo!and to complete a form of repayment of the advance.They said that within 14 days I will receive the amount given as an advance back but it has been a month and a half and I did not receive the money. Acum mă rog de ei să primesc banii înapoi”, ne-a relatat M.B.

It had to stay at sea for five nights from 6 to 11 September.

Țeapă luată de un clujean cu o vacanță la Cap Aurora! A plătit avansul și vacanța s-a dus pe apa sâmbetei - Ştiri de Cluj

Nu îmi e de 400 de lei, ci de înșelătoria asta pe care o practică agenția.I wanted to give more advance, well I didn't give.

Miss from the agency told me that my money is given back but that only the bank is given back.What do you mean?Did I give the cash and they only through the bank I give them back?

I called the payment department but for nothing. Mă redirecționează robotul spre agenții din țară și nu mă iau în serios”, a mai spus clujeanul.

Now he has made a complaint to consumer protection against Christian Tour agency, to apply the legal provisions and to recover the advance.

Already almost two months have passed since the collection for lost sale, and Cluj is still waiting for their money back.Meanwhile family B.was on vacation 2 weeks in Greece, where there were no problems.