By Observatory editorial 14.10.2021, 19:54
Cars, TVs or phones could be expensive in the next period by up to 25%.China, which is the world's largest exporter, is hit by an unprecedented energy crisis.Thousands of factories have stopped production because electricity is rationalized.As a result, vital components for the automotive or IT industry are no longer sufficient or reach with great weight.
Who was planning to buy a laptop, a state -of -the -art phone or a car in the future.The China's energy crisis is to have global consequences.An example would be the Apple giant, which reduced the production commands for the iPhone 13 from 90 million devices to 80 million until the end of the year, because there are not enough semiconductor.
ReclamăA supply shock may have many other home appliances manufacturers, who were already suffering from the pandemic, and who are now facing a shortage of raw materials..
China thus manages to unbalance the planet now through a domino effect.Due to lack of coal, but also to become carbon emissions neutrals, many industries have been stopped.An example would be silicon, used in chips or car components, which in just two months has tripled its price.
Citește și:Adrian Măniuţiu - analist economic: Acest val de scumpiri vine din exterior ca urmare a unei cote de importuri foarte mari pe care România o are şi, în general, China fiind încă centrul de producţie al lumii, tot ce se întâmplă acolo se resimte aici înzecit.
Mihai Daraban - preşedintele CCIR: Avem, într-adevăr, nişte schimburi comerciale cu China, care au ajuns anul anul trecut la 5,897 miliarde de euro.Many consumer goods, which are also in the west, are more profitable to take from China.We are talking about tiles, tiles, sanitary ware, appliances.
ReclamăDue to this energy crisis, in half of the provinces there are current interruptions, and from day to day, new factories are forced to reduce production to preserve electricity.
Ioan Purica - expert în energie: China are o politică de trecere a energiei de pe surse fosile pe surse fără emisii.This matter combined with the resumption of economic activity has produced an unavailable energy moment in the Chinese system.
Companies think about whether to bear these price increases or put them in the final price paid by consumers.Auto and IT industries are just two of the most affected sectors, but we have to expect to pay more for clothing, toys, food or other consumer goods.
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