iPhone 13 Pro would be launched this year with a few news that is no wonder when we talk about any new smartphone to be launched on the market.
iPhone 13 Pro.That would be the new color, used for the first time by Apple, and another important change
Currently, a few suspicions on the Internet have slipped, The Sun reported here, about the new color that iPhone 13 Pro would have, used for the first time by Apple company..
It seems that iPhone 13 Pro would appear this year in four colors: black, silver, rose gold and Sunset Gold.Last of them, Sunset Gold, has not been used so far by Apple.For now, however, this information is offered only as a rumor, launched on the Internet by Ranzuk, the Apple Post also wrote here, who claims to have information from sources from the big retail chains..
"'Sunset Gold' has a bronze tint," in time 'Rose Gold' looks very pale ', "The Apple Post, mentioned above, shows.
A designer posted some photos on Twitter about how this color could look, Sunset Gold.
According to Ranzuk, the new color is darker than Rose Gold.The Sun also wrote that although Rose Gold is a pretty popular color, the world has not been piled up to buy them.Apple failed to sell these phones at all in this color in recent years.
Users on Twitter who are also Apple -produced fans say this new color, Sunset Gold, is very beautiful and it would be good for these rumors to be true.
“Come on, you did a good job with these photos.The color is a little more beautiful than the "Gold" version, or darker with a tone, if it makes sense, "someone wrote."Very cool! I'm glad when Apple is making more phone calls to bronze and less to pink".
Also, iPhone 13 Pro would also have a far -superior camera and will be improvements in terms of battery life.Pro iPhone versions are the most expensive.No Apple representative has confirmed or denied, for now, these rumors.Normally Apple does not comment on the products he has not officially launched.
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