Last update: 16-09-2021 10:46 A smart watch can save your life. It knows s...The advanced functions of a smartwatch, in the service of...
Those who want to have a healthier lifestyle can always turn to a smart watch.
In addition to notifications, they know how to measure heartbeats more and more precisely, do EKG or analyze in detail every hour of sleep. Marian Andrei did a demonstration on the iLikeIT show.
Marian Andrei: "The smart watches that Samsung launched have also reached us, we also have a Garmin, I also have a watch that can measure blood pressure, do an EKG and can also show the index of body mass, meaning you don't need a scale to sit on, simply the buttons here work as sensors, and it can tell you how much fat you have in your body, how much water. You have to add the weight to it, the height is already set. (...) it has some other interesting functions, we have this blood pressure function, I have to keep the watch on my hand, the bracelet should be tight, I should stay still. Very important, you must take the first three measurements with a professional device, so that you can calibrate the watch. I want to do an EKG too, I'm putting my finger here... Inconclusive, and I'll tell you why, because of the emotions my finger sweated too... but I have another one that I did during the break and I can to send it to the doctor, if, I'm far away, I'm not feeling well, I can send it in pdf format.
I think the accuracy is somewhere around 95%, I can give an example. My mother-in-law was feeling really sick one evening, she felt like she was having palpitations and I had an Apple Watch so I put it on her hand and she did an EKG, and she actually got the recommendation to see a doctor because she has fibrillations. He went to the doctor the next day and the diagnosis was confirmed, so they're pretty accurate."
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Tags: smart watch, garmin, smart watch functions, ekg, body mass index,
Publication date: 16-09-2021 10:34 Author: Marian Andrei