Telegram tends to become the most popular chat service, given that WhatsApp has entered the disgrace.As a result, you may want to hide when you were online last time.
Like most of the existing chat services in the online space, Telegram has a mechanism that keeps track of the moment when you were online, in which you used the program.So if you want to beware of someone who wrote you a message two hours ago, you did not answer them but the person you see that you were online two minutes ago, you might face a problem.
Fortunately, like WhatsApp, Messenger or Signal, there is a system that you can hide the latest time you were online, even if you do not completely hide it.It is important to note that, when you have decided to stop appearing online, besides the fact that you will not see even when the others were online, your last time you used Telegram will turn into one of fourestimates.Next to your profile you will see the word seen recently, if you were online between zero and three days ago, seen in the last week if you used the program between three and seven days ago.Seen in the last month it has an obvious meaning, and seen a long time ago refers to a period older than one month.
Dacă am stabilit aceste detalii, intră în Telegram și accesează secțiunea Settings din colțul din dreapta jos. Intră la Privacy and Security și accesează secțiunea Last Seen & Online. Acolo te vei confrunta cu trei opțiuni. În funcție de cea pe care o vei activa, vei debloca alți câțiva parametri.
In any case, you can choose that everyone can see when you last used Telegram - Everybody.You can opt for my contacts, so just your contacts to see when you were online.Last but not least, you can choose Nobody, if you want no one to see the moment you used the most recent chat app.
If you opt for Everybody or Nobody, you can define exceptions to the rule.In other words, when everyone sees you online, you can choose some contacts that do not have access to that information.When no one sees you online, you can choose a limited number of contacts to know this.