iOS 8 came up with a multitound of interesting news that I talked about in a multitude of articles, but some of them were quickly overlooked taking into account the very large number of information that has recently appeared.In this idea I will pay attention to interesting functions that allow us to hide both pictures and applications bought from the App Store, if we do not want other people to see them when using our terminals.
How do I hide pictures in iOS
In the new Photos application, photos, a iOS 8 you can press remark on any of the pictures and an Action Menu will be displayed with two options, one for copying a picture, the other for hiding it.By selecting the Hide option, or hiding, and confirming the warning message about hiding the picture, you will hide the picture from Recently Added, or recently added, it is added to a new album created in the Photos application, being called HIDDEN, or hidden.
In this new album you will be able to see all the hidden pictures and if you want to bring them back to the recent added album, or recently added, (room in iOS 8.1), then pressing on the picture and selecting the Unhide option, or re -discisted.This is the whole procedure and no, the pictures cannot be completely hidden in iOS 8.
How do I hide applications bought from the App Store
In ceea ce priveste ascunderea aplicatiilor instalare prin App Store lucrurile sunt ceva mai complicate, deoarece in iOS 8 va trebui sa activati Family Sharing, sau Share cu Familia, din Settings>iCloud, sau Configurari>iCloud. Dupa activarea acestui sistem, tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa deschideti aplicatia App Store, sa accesati meniul Updates>Purchases>My Purchases si sa faceti un swipe din stanga spre dreapta peste orice aplicatie, apoi sa alegeti optiunea HIDE.
At that time the respective application will no longer be displayed in Purchases, but it will be able to be downloaded for free in the future and in law in the App Store will be displayed iconic icon that indicates that you can download it without paying.