Large scandal with Micutzu in the center of the capital.The comedian called his friends for help, but then the police came

Time 22/07/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback
ACASĂ»Eveniment»Scandal mare cu Micutzu în centrul Capitalei. Comediantul şi-a chemat prietenii în ajutor, însă atunci a venit şi poliţiaVideo

By Andra Dolanala 16.08.2021, 19:57

One of the most popular stand-ups from us in the country arrived on Sunday night at the police.Cosmin Nedelcu or Micutzu, as it is best known, was involved in a monster scandal in Bucharest.The comedian and another man threw their heavy words, they hit and one of them even broke the window of a bar on Calea Victoriei.

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This is the moment when the scandal between Cosmin Nedelcu and a Bucharestian degenerated.After they offended minutes in a row, annoyed that the individual pushes his girlfriend trying to quench them, Micutzu quickly to the man to hit him.


Scandal mare cu Micutzu în centrul Capitalei. Comediantul şi-a chemat prietenii în ajutor, însă atunci a venit şi poliţia

The actor went to the sidewalk but a customer cursed him in front of the store.He responded and things degenerated, hugged, and at one point one of the individuals threw with bottles and hit the window of the store that he broke.

In the scandal there are also the friends with whom the Bucharest man was at the terrace.I don't keep in mind that they have a child with them and there are a few tens of seconds.When I see the destruction, the conflict stops suddenly.Cosmin Nedelcu leaves.But he returns after a few minutes, this time surrounded by several friends.But...surprise.The police are already there.

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Micutzu claims to have been caused

Martor: Inclusiv cu poliţia de faţă ambele tabere se înjurau, se scuipau şi îşi transmiteau injurii unuii altora.

The actor was climbed in the police car and taken to the section where he was heard for several hours.He, as well as three other men, were fined 200 lei for the scandal made.

The people of the law do research for destruction and hit.The actor claims that he was challenged because his girlfriend was assaulted and that he filed a criminal complaint.

Martor: Dacă eşti victima unei astfel de agresiuni aşteptă să vină poliţia să vezi cum îţi faci dreptate pe cale legală, nu te întorci cu nişte prieteni să reglezi conturile.Especially that he is a public person.You're a model for some young people.

Cosmin Nedelcu has started his career in 2005 and over the years he has become one of the most famous and appreciated stand up comedy actors in Romania.

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