The infection generated by COVID does not disappear with the cure, and this is because there is the so-called Long COVID, ie symptoms that persist for long periods of time after healing after an infection caused by the virus.
"To read! Evaluation of post-COVID patients 19.
"Healing after SARS CoV 2 infection is a complex process that requires time and patience, and patient evaluation and monitoring are essential for complete recovery." This is what infectious disease specialists and pulmonologists tell those who have gone through the disease and are left with sequelae. And their number is relatively large.
If mild forms, without lung damage, often do not require a post-COVID assessment, in the case of moderate and severe forms this is necessary, because the disease affects the whole body, it is a systemic one. A large number of patients recover without specialist help, but the process is a long one and consists of rest and gradual increase in physical activity.
"Some patients may experience a delay in the remission of COVID-19 symptoms. Broadly speaking, those who have experienced a moderate or severe form of the disease can be divided into two categories, those who remain with severe sequelae, such as those who develop thromboembolic complications, and those who actually have a clinical picture. non-specific, such as fatigue and shortness of breath. So far, we have established that we can talk about a post-acute COVID-19, lasting more than three weeks from the onset of the first symptoms, and a chronic COVID-19, which lasts for more than 12 weeks. We recommend that you perform an evaluation only for those who have residual lung symptoms. " Dr. Noemi Suppini Porojan, pulmonologist, coordinator of the Functional Explorations Laboratory - Hospital for Infectious Diseases and Pneumoftiziology Dr. Victor Babeș Timișoara.
Patients with forms of illness that required hospitalization can be evaluated after discharge, after at least 30 days, followed by reassessments at 3 months, 6 months and one year. However, the program may change depending on the clinical condition. Indications for specialist evaluation include clinical respiratory evaluation, cardiac evaluation, but also one of persistent or progressive neurological symptoms.
"The most serious complications in the respiratory system, after COVID-19, are pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary vascular disease. Patients with difficulty breathing have low oxygen saturation, and need rehabilitation through the practice of specific exercises, but also palliative care and symptoms. In patients with post-COVID lung damage, restrictive ventilatory dysfunction is found, which correlates with fibrotic lesions detected on imaging investigations. ” Dr. Noemi Porojan-Suppini, pulmonologist, coordinator of the Functional Explorations Laboratory - Infectious Diseases and Pneumophthisiology Hospital Dr. Victor Babeș Timișoara . It is also necessary to perform the usual biological tests: blood count, inflammatory profile: C-reactive protein, ESR, LDH, ferritin, tests that may indicate persistence of inflammation, blood clotting profile and biochemical tests: urea, creatinine, transaminases and blood sugar. In most cases, it is recommended to perform CT imaging tests or chest radiography, but also tests to explore lung function, which involve performing a spirometry.
This whole set of tests can be performed at the Hospital for Infectious Diseases and Pneumoftiziology Dr. Victor Babeș Timișoara.
The investigations are carried out free of charge, based on a referral from the family doctor to the pulmonologist and following an appointment. "