AMI launches "butterflies", a song about "here and now"

Time 22/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

He has won the specialized charts with "Enigma", along with father Vlad, and now, I am back with a new single, part of the latest album released - "Enigma", which will easily reach the listeners' preferences."Butterflies" is a sensitive piece, through which the artist wants to emphasize the importance of the present, but also the beauty of life in her pure state.

"Piesa <> este despre <>.About the joy of being simply.As the butterflies teach us to appreciate life as much as it is, because time has only one meaning, namely the one we give.In time I also learned how to keep my wings and how to enjoy my journey, my flight, how to give it life, color, beauty, love and gentleness. <> e zborul meu lin către libertate și memento-ul că nu există timp, ci doar momente! Vă iau și pe voi cu mine-n zbor!" ne transmite AMI.

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AMI lansează ”Fluturi”, o piesă despre “aici și acum”

Composed by Alex Pelin and produced by Adi Colcerru, the song also enjoys a special video, which presents the image of the artist passing through all the stages of his evolution, the end being a great one, where the dream and the journey of Ami is in flight, whereWings manage to give him courage and determination to continue this road. Pentru realizarea acestei povești în imagini, artista a lucrat alături de SAN (Regie), David Mogan (DOP & Edit) și Loops Production (Producție).

AMI is one of the most beloved artists of the moment.His artistic versatility was also demonstrated in the talent show "I know you from somewhere" where the artist managed to transpose and interpret different artists, managing to win the final of the season with the number 15.Also, his last launches enjoyed a real success, the collaboration with Tata Vlad for the song "Enigma" managing to stay for 12 weeks in the Top 10 Media Forest, being one of the most listened to radio and TV in the country..