By Alin Stanla 24.11.2021, 13:36
Macabre discovery in a locality in Gorj.The remains of a newborn were found by police buried in the courtyard of a house.The baby would have died two years ago, and the one who announced the investigators was even an aunt of the mother.The 21 -year -old is investigated for murder.
The discovery was made after an aunt of the baby's mother alerted the authorities.Because he did not agree with the girl's family for a land plot, he got so angry that he put his hand on the phone and called the police, although he knew that behind one of the houses were the remains of the child.
ReclamăThe investigators arrived at the scene and found that about a meter in the ground was buried the body of a newborn.
The Prosecutor's Office attached to the Gorj Tribunal conducts an investigation into a criminal case for the crime of murder.Investigators want to find out who the perpetrators are and what happened exactly, but also to apply the legal measures.
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